An Update


Categories: musings Tags: ramblings

It’s been a while since I’ve published stuff to the blog. The last post was made about a month ago now. It’s not like I’ve stopped posting, or that the website is dead; I’ve still been writing articles in the background. I have so many ideas and drafts in the works, but I haven’t had the courage to release them. I kinda just ran into this whole blogging thing blind and I still have no idea how to convey my thoughts and experiences clearly. Also, endings are the hardest part. Most of my drafts are nearly finished, but without some sort of conclusion to wrap the whole experience up.

This could all be imposter syndrome speaking really, and the content could be ok. Without feedback, I cant improve, but forced interaction defeats the purpose of this website. I’ll try and proofread my backlog and get them released soon, but I have no idea about when the half finished ones will be released, or if there’ll be any other posts once they’re finished. I don’t want to release any half-baked articles purely for the sake of more content, that’s not the objective of this blog, but a post must be posted eventually, and I can’t keep tweaking stuff forever.

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